The Working for Wonka Entrepreneur of the Week Award goes to The Park Spark Project. They turned sh*$# into shinola. Literally. These clever entrepreneurial minds found a way to use puppy poo-poo to light up a Massachusetts dog park. The concept seems simple enough. Dog, ah, waste is deposited in the Park Spark methane digester where the, ah, waste product is turned into methane gas. The gas then powers a street lamp, and voilà, light.

Pups watch anxiously. Whatcha doin' with that?
The company’s website is a bit vague as to who actually runs Park Spark, but the lead name on the roster, Matthew Mazzotta, bills himself as an artist. His resume gets more confusing from there. (We’re going to categorize him as a Jumper Entrepreneur.)

We think this is Mazzotta driving his car (?) through Reno. Though we can't be sure.
Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks
What’s next for these entrepreneurs? We haven’t seen the Park Spark business plan, but we have some ideas. Maybe for their next trick, the folks at Park Spark can teach our dogs how to deposit their deposits in the methane tank all by themselves. Is that too much to ask of a creative mind?
September 20, 2010I love it!!! When will a home version be available??? Maybe they can “jump” into that next…
September 21, 2010Great!! With the amount of dog poop I collect out of my yard, I could eliminate our electric bill!! 🙂
September 22, 2010Chris: Good point! If only there was a rental unit for home installation. Then we could put our dogs on their own doodie duty. (Sorry, couldn’t help myself.)
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