Category Archives: Humor / inspiration

Take a little brain break with these posts. You know you need one!

The Job Hunt, the Inspirational Video and the Quirky Little Company

Two inspirations for the week; a great new video offering words of wisdom mixed with humor, and a reader’s quest to land the perfect startup job.

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Will You Work for This Sixteen Year Old One Day?

First World Problems are no problem for this little entrepreneur. This teen’s suburban raps are smarter than most college textbooks. Which he can now afford to buy without daddy’s help since his YouTube channel is smokin hot.

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Come On Get Happy – Your Inspiration for the Day

This little gem of a guy, and gem of a video will make you smile til lunchtime.

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Enough Already, Mute Your Co-workers (Friday fun)

Enough Already device mutes your TV to silence those celebrities you can’t stand. But what about in your office? I think there’s a bigger application there.

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Characteristics of an Entrepreneur Boss – Recognize Your Boss? (Friday Fun)

Corporate America is filled with good bosses and bad bosses. Entrepreneurial startups are filled with quirky bosses. For a little Friday brain break, I give you this list of entrepreneur characteristics to watch out for. If your boss fits any of the profiles, never fear. I know a place offering two for one straitjackets; one…

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Why 80% of Entrepreneurs are Happy – and why you might not be

Almost 80 percent of entrepreneurs say they’re happy they don’t have a boss. Things that make you go hmmmm.

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It’s Not You – It’s Your Lazy Genes

Have trouble keeping up with your entrepreneur boss? You may have a medical excuse!

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Entrepreneur of the Weak – Richard Heene (Pun Intended)

Richard Heene Bear Scratch

Balloon Boy’s dad is at it again. And he makes our Entrepreneur of the Weak list. No, that’s not a typo.

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Entrepreneur of the Week – The Park Spark Project

Park Spark Project

You’ve heard of turning water into wine? Well, this group turned s*!$ to shinola. Literally.

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